Reddit is made of threads which contain posts generated by the users. Your aim in this task is to predict the sentiment polarity of each post individually. The exercise dataset contains target column called sentiment.polarity
which can take 5 values: "very negative", "negative", "neutral", "positive" and "very positive" (multi-label classification/prediction).
Read dataset:
pythontrain_data = pd.read_json("")
validation_data = pd.read_json("")
test_data = pd.read_json("")
Use the text from the reddit posts (Known as “body”) to train classification models using the Scikit Learn package. The labels to predict are the sentiment.polarity
for each post. Conduct experiments using the following combinations of classifier models and feature representations:
Dummy Classifier
Dummy Classifier
withOne-hot vectorization
withTF-IDF vectorization
(default settings)SVC Classifier
withOne-hot vectorization
(SVM with RBF kernel, default settings)- An ‘interesting’ classifier model and vectorisation of your choice with appropriate pre-processing
Results - For the above classifiers report the classifier accuracy as well as macro-averaged precision, recall, and F1 (to three decimal places). Show the overall results1 obtained by the classifiers on the training and test sets in one table, and highlight the best performance. For the best performing classifier (by macro F1 in test set) Include a bar chart graph with the F1 score for each class - (sentiment polarity labels on x-axis, F1 score on Y axis).
Explore dataset
There are five types of sentiment.ploraity
in the dataset: neutral, positive, negative, very positive and very negative. firstly, counts of the sentiment.poalrity
columns of each of the three datasets were conducted and the results are shown in the table below:
neutral | positive | negative | very positive | very negative | |
training set | 7679 | 3231 | 878 | 253 | 97 |
validation set | 1961 | 845 | 215 | 73 | 15 |
testing set | 2514 | 1102 | 282 | 86 | 32 |
As can be seen from the chart, the distribution of species is uneven, especially the very small proportion of very positive and very negative, which may lead to poor training to result in a high FRP for these two species.
pythonnlp = spacy.load('en_core_web_sm')
# download a stopword list'stopwords')
# tokenize
def spacy_tokenize(string):
tokens = list()
doc = nlp(string)
for token in doc:
return tokens
# normalize
def normalize(tokens):
normalized_tokens = list()
for token in tokens:
normalized = token.text.lower().strip()
if ((token.is_alpha or token.is_digit)):
return normalized_tokens
return normalized_tokens
# tokenize and normalize
def tokenize_normalize(string):
return normalize(spacy_tokenize(string))
## Pass in the tokenizer as the tokenizer to the vectorizer.
## Create a one-hot encoding vectorizer.
one_hot_vectorizer = CountVectorizer(tokenizer=tokenize_normalize, binary=True)
train_features = one_hot_vectorizer.fit_transform(train_data['body'])
## This creates input features for our classification on all subsets of our collection.
validation_features = one_hot_vectorizer.transform(validation_data['body'])
test_features = one_hot_vectorizer.transform(test_data['body'])
train_labels = train_data['sentiment.polarity']
validation_labels = validation_data['sentiment.polarity']
test_labels = test_data['sentiment.polarity']
Discussion of classifier performance
First we define a evaluation summary function to summarise the scores:
pythondef evaluation_summary(description, predictions, true_labels):
print("Evaluation for: " + description)
precision = precision_score(predictions, true_labels, average='weighted')
recall = recall_score(predictions, true_labels, average='weighted')
accuracy = accuracy_score(predictions, true_labels)
f1_weighted = fbeta_score(predictions, true_labels, 1, average='weighted') #1 means f_1 measure
f1_macro = fbeta_score(predictions, true_labels, 1, average='macro')
print("Classifier '%s' has Acc=%0.3f P=%0.3f R=%0.3f F1_w=%0.3f F1_m=%0.3f" % (description,accuracy,precision,recall,f1_weighted,f1_macro))
print(classification_report(predictions, true_labels, digits=3, zero_division = 0))
print('\nConfusion matrix:\n',confusion_matrix(true_labels, predictions))
Dummy Classifier
pythondummy_mf = DummyClassifier(strategy='most_frequent')
plain0.625996015936255 Evaluation for: Dummy Majority Classifier 'Dummy Majority' has Acc=0.626 P=1.000 R=0.626 F1_w=0.770 F1_m=0.154
Dummy Classifier
pythondummy_prior = DummyClassifier(strategy='stratified')
plain0.4676294820717131 Evaluation for: Dummy Prior Classifier 'Dummy Prior' has Acc=0.462 P=0.463 R=0.462 F1_w=0.462 F1_m=0.190
withOne-hot vectorization
pythonlr = LogisticRegression(solver='saga', max_iter = 1000)
plainEvaluation for: LR onehot Classifier 'LR onehot' has Acc=0.748 P=0.787 R=0.748 F1_w=0.763 F1_m=0.476
withTF-IDF vectorization
(default settings)
pythonngram_vectorizer = TfidfVectorizer(tokenizer=tokenize_normalize)
train_features_idf = ngram_vectorizer.fit_transform(train_data['body'])
validation_features_idf = ngram_vectorizer.transform(validation_data['body'])
test_features_idf = ngram_vectorizer.transform(test_data['body'])
lr_idf = LogisticRegression(solver='saga', max_iter = 1000)
lr_idf_model =, train_labels)
evaluation_summary("LR tf-idf", lr_idf_model.predict(test_features_idf), test_labels)
plainEvaluation for: LR tf-idf Classifier 'LR tf-idf' has Acc=0.741 P=0.853 R=0.741 F1_w=0.780 F1_m=0.356
SVC Classifier
withOne-hot vectorization
(SVM with RBF kernel, default settings)
pythonsvc = SVC(kernel='rbf')
plainEvaluation for: SVC Classifier 'SVC' has Acc=0.730 P=0.875 R=0.730 F1_w=0.782 F1_m=0.287
- An ‘interesting’ classifier model and vectorisation of your choice with appropriate pre-processing
pythonknn = KNeighborsClassifier(n_neighbors=7)
plainEvaluation for: KNN Classifier 'KNN' has Acc=0.634 P=0.991 R=0.634 F1_w=0.768 F1_m=0.171
As the results show, the classifier LogisticRegression
with One-hot vectorization
had the highest accuracy and the highest f1 scores under the weighted average and macro average. The generally low f1 scores may be due to the uneven distribution of the sample, and the unweighted mean may be heavily influenced by the distribution of the sample.
With respect to F1 (macro averaged), LogisticRegression
with One-hot vectorization
scored the highest, and below is the bar chart graph with the F1 score for each class. This result also confirms the above assumption.
In this task you will improve the effectiveness of the LogisticRegression
with TF-IDF
vectorisation from Q1.
- Parameter tuning - Tune the parameters for both the vectoriser and classifier on the validation set (or using CV-fold validation on the train).
Your search does not need to be exhaustive. Changing all parameters at once is expensive and slow (a full sweep is exponential in the number of parameters). Consider selecting the best parameters sequentially. The resulting tuned model should improve over the baseline TF-IDF model. Report the results in a table with the accuracy, macro-averaged precision, recall, and F1 on the test data. Discuss the parameters and values you tried, what helped and what did not and explain why this may be the case.
_ Classifier - Regularisation C value (typical values might be powers of 10 (from $10^-3$ to $10^5$)
_ Vectoriser - Parameters: sublinear_tf
and max_features
(vocabulary size) (in a range None to 50k) * Select another parameter of your choice from the classifier or vectoriser
- Error analysis - Manually examine the predictions of your optimised classifier on the test set. Analyse the results for patterns and trends. Hypothesise why common classification errors are made. Report on your error analysis process and summarise your findings.
We have parameters:
(typical values are powers of 10 (from $10^-3$ to $10^5$);TfidfVectorizer
(False or True) andmax_features
(in range None to 50k).
Attempt parameter optimisation
Before the tuning, we have f1_macro = 0.353. There we apply grid search aiming to find the best combination of parameters.
pythonprediction_pipeline = Pipeline([
('selector', ItemSelector(key='body')),
('tf-idf', TfidfVectorizer()),
('logreg', LogisticRegression(solver='saga', max_iter = 1000))
params = {
'logreg__C': [0.001, 0.01, 0.1, 1, 10, 100, 1000, 10000, 100000],
'tf-idf__sublinear_tf': [True, False],
'tf-idf__max_features': range(0, 50000, 1000),
grid_search = GridSearchCV(prediction_pipeline, param_grid=params, n_jobs=1, verbose=1, scoring='f1_macro', cv=2), train_labels)
best_parameters = grid_search.best_estimator_.get_params()
Besides the parameters above, max_df
(of TfidfVectorizer
in 2 ranges 0 to 1 and greater than 1) are explored to obtain higher score. A grid search was carried out on max_df using the optimal parameters already obtained above.
After the grid search, the best combination of parameters as follows is obtained:
plainDone 1800 out of 1800 | elapsed: 112.3min finished logreg__C: 100 tf-idf__max_features: 3000 tf-idf__sublinear_tf: False
After the tuning, we have the f1_macro increased to 0.541.
Explore the predictions
For text data where the predicted result differs from the true value, it is printed out as below to analyse the exact cause.
python# print 20 pieces of mispredicted data
predicted = prediction_pipeline_tuned.predict(test_data)
p = 0
for i in range(len(test_labels)):
if p < 20:
if test_labels[i] != predicted[i]:
print(test_data['body'][i] + '\n\nTrue label: ' + test_labels[i] + ' Predicted label: ' + predicted[i] + '\n')
p += 1
- Example 1
plainEven better, watch a VOD from [MLG Raleigh]( The games, the casting, the maps... everything was fucking awful. Amazing that it was just over one year ago. True label: neutral Predicted label: positive
Analysis of the statements shows that the sentences contain URL, which may have an impact on the predictions. Also, "Amazing that it was just over one year ago." uses a positive word like amazing but expresses a negative opinion of the discussion, which could be one of the reasons for the wrong prediction.
- Example 2
plainYour name and your post do not correlate True label: neutral Predicted label: very positive
It can be seen that the above sentence is a text unrelated to the content of the posting, and the model incorrectly predicts it as very positive. One reason for this may be that the number of samples labelled as very positive is very small, resulting in the model's poor prediction of a samples labelled as labels which are minority. The other reason might be that the sentence itself does not contain enough information to extract enough features.
In this task your goal is to add two features to (try to) improve sentiment polarity classification performance obtained in Q2.
You must implement and describe two new classifier features and add them to the tuned model from Q2. Examples include adding other properties of the posts (or threads), leveraging embedding-based features, different vectorisation approaches, etc. Train the combined model and report accuracy, macro-averaged precision, recall, and F1 on the test data. Include a well-labeled confusion matrix. Discuss the result in reference to Q2 and what helped (or didn’t) and why you think so.
Propose features
In this dataset, in addition to the "body" which contains the content of the postings, there are other features that may be useful for model training.
: The title of the post. This is interrelated with body, so it may help in the training of the model.majority_type
: the type of thread. May be useful in the analysis of
: the username of the poster. The same sentiment polarity may appear when the same user appears.sentiment.subjectivity
: the subjectivity of the posting; its value may reflect the sentiment polarity of the user's statement; for example, looking at the data, it is clear that a lower value may mean that the user tends to be more neutral. The above features will be attempted.
Train, validate and test models
We start by adding single feature from list above to try them out.
- Add only
python# add only title
prediction_pipeline_union = Pipeline([
('union', FeatureUnion(
('title', Pipeline([
('selector', ItemSelector(key='title')),
('one-hot', TfidfVectorizer(norm='l1')),
('body', Pipeline([
('selector', ItemSelector(key='body')),
('one-hot', TfidfVectorizer(sublinear_tf=False, max_features=3000, max_df=1200)),
plainEvaluation for: LR tf-idf Classifier 'LR tf-idf' has Acc=0.736 P=0.750 R=0.736 F1_w=0.742 F1_m=0.523
- Add only `author
plainEvaluation for: LR tf-idf Classifier 'LR tf-idf' has Acc=0.738 P=0.776 R=0.738 F1_w=0.752 F1_m=0.501
- Add only `majority_type
plainEvaluation for: LR tf-idf Classifier 'LR tf-idf' has Acc=0.750 P=0.757 R=0.750 F1_w=0.753 F1_m=0.530
- Add only
python# add only sentiment.subjectivity
numeric_features = ['sentiment.subjectivity']
numeric_transformer = Pipeline(steps=[
('imputer', SimpleImputer(strategy='median')),
('scaler', StandardScaler())])
text_features = ['body']
text_transformer = TfidfVectorizer(sublinear_tf=False, max_features=3000, max_df=1200)
preprocessor = ColumnTransformer(
('num', numeric_transformer, numeric_features),
('tfidf_1', text_transformer, 'body'),],
## Run evaluation with classifier
def evaluateClassifier(classif):
clf = Pipeline(steps=[('preprocessor', preprocessor),
('classifier', classif)]), train_labels)
y_pred = clf.predict(test_data)
print(metrics.classification_report(test_labels, y_pred, zero_division=0))
evaluateClassifier(LogisticRegression(solver='saga', max_iter = 1000, C=100))
plainEvaluation for: LR tf-idf Classifier 'LR tf-idf' has Acc=0.790 P=0.780 R=0.790 F1_w=0.790 F1_m=0.600
We can see that with the addition of a single feature, sentiment.subjectivity
has the best effect on the model's effectiveness, raising the f1 score of the model's macro average from 0.541 to 0.6.
Therefore, if two features are to be added, majority_type
and subjectivity
are probably the best combination of the features listed in the table above.
- Add two features
python# add sentiment.subjectivity and majority_type
numeric_features = ['sentiment.subjectivity']
numeric_transformer = Pipeline(steps=[
('imputer', SimpleImputer(strategy='median')),
('scaler', StandardScaler())])
text_features = ['body', 'majority_type']
text_transformer = TfidfVectorizer(sublinear_tf=False, max_features=3000, max_df=1200)
preprocessor = ColumnTransformer(
('num', numeric_transformer, numeric_features),
('tfidf_1', text_transformer, 'body'),
('tfidf_2', text_transformer, 'majority_type')],
## Run evaluation with classifier
def evaluateClassifier(classif):
clf = Pipeline(steps=[('preprocessor', preprocessor),
('classifier', classif)]), train_labels)
y_pred = clf.predict(test_data)
print(metrics.classification_report(test_labels, y_pred, zero_division=0))
evaluateClassifier(LogisticRegression(solver='saga', max_iter = 1000, C=100))
plainEvaluation for: LR tf-idf Classifier 'LR tf-idf' has Acc=0.790 P=0.780 R=0.790 F1_w=0.790 F1_m=0.600
Performance analysis
Comparing the two results shows that the combination of added features has improved all the metrics of the model. Also, there is a slight improvement on the aforementioned poor prediction of a minority labels caused by the uneven sample distribution. Specifically, the proportion improved in scores predicting labels very positive and very negative labels is greater than that in scores of label neutral.